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What’s the Point of Illinois BASSET Certification?

March 1, 2022
female bartender smiling while working

What’s the point of getting BASSET certified if you sell or serve alcohol in Illinois? BASSET stands for Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Servers Training Program. The Illinois General Assembly seems to think it’s so important, they’ve legally required it for all on-premise servers. According to the Illinois Liquor Control Commission’s website, the point of getting a BASSET card is to do these things:

  1. Train and educate sellers and servers to engage in responsible alcohol service.
  2. Spot signs of intoxication and utilize various intervention techniques.
  3. Prevent DUIs and alcohol-related fatalities.
  4. Stop underage sales and underage drinking.
  5. Create safer communities and establishments where alcohol is served.
  6. Educate owners, managers and staff on dram shop insurance, state laws, and local ordinances regarding alcohol service.


What’s the point for you personally?

The most direct point is that you have to. If you’re a server at an on-premise establishment like a restaurant or bar, the law requires it, and if you’re off-premise, your employer probably requires it. But aside from that, when you serve or sell alcohol, you personally have a legal duty to do so responsibly. This legal duty can be enforced through criminal charges. It can have other consequences too, like making future employability far more difficult. A BASSET certification course will give you all the tools you need to avoid running into any of these problems.


What’s the point of choosing BASSET On The Fly as your provider? 

BASSET On The Fly was created by a veteran of the restaurant industry. Our online BASSET certification course material is presented clearly and makes it easy to learn what you need to know. No need to worry about not being prepared for whatever comes your way! Our course gives you the information and knowledge you need to make informed decisions and follow the law.

Additionally, our course is self-paced, so you can take as little or as much time as you need. You can logout anytime, and the course will be waiting right where you left off when you come back. On the flip side, there is no timer keeping you from moving forward through the course as quickly as you’re ready to move forward. BASSET On The Fly meets all state requirements and is licensed by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission.


Get Your Illinois BASSET Card Today with BASSET On The Fly

There are many reasons why BASSET On The Fly is a leading provider of online BASSET certification for seller-servers of alcohol in Illinois. Not only are we from the industry, but we’ve designed the fastest and most user-friendly BASSET course available. And to top it off, our online course is just $12.99 with no additional taxes or fees. Sign up and get your Illinois BASSET card today!

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