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What To Know About Human Trafficking If You Serve or Sell Alcohol

September 10, 2021
women with hands tied

According to the Illinois Human Trafficking Task Force, Illinois ranks 11th in the nation for the number of cases of human trafficking. Human trafficking can mean a lot of things, but most commonly refers to sex and labor trafficking. At BASSET On The Fly, we want to do our part to take a stand against human trafficking, and we want to help you join the fight.


What’s This Have To Do With Me?

What does this have to do with you as a server and seller of alcohol? A lot, actually. Many venues that serve and sell are also common sites for trafficking behavior. Hotels, for example, are among the most common sites where sex trafficking exists.  And restaurants are a common location for labor trafficking.

When you notice something that looks or feels out of place, listen to your gut and call the police to report what you see. It could mean all the world for the person who is trapped –  the difference between freedom and years of forced servitude. Here are some things to look out for:


Troubling Behavior From Victims

When you see any of the following, and especially a combination of several, pause for a moment and consider whether you may have stumbled on a victim who needs help.


Troubling Behavior From Companions

Is the other person hovering in a disturbing way? Are they in control of the money? Do they always speak on behalf of other person? Did they provide the other person’s identification? These are generally warning signs.


Health and Hygiene Concerns

Do you detect noticeably bad hygiene? Does the person look especially fatigued or under-nourished? Do you notice any injuries or bruising poking out from under clothing?

The worst that can happen if you make a report is that someone you’ll never see again might be annoyed. The best that can happen is that you could save someone’s life.


Illinois is taking steps statewide to address and combat human trafficking of all kinds. As a BASSET certified server or seller, you’re now in the know on how to do your part! And, if still need to get certified with BASSET On The Fly, it’s easy – you can do it at your own pace for just $12.99. Enroll now!

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