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Keeping Your Bar Or Restaurant Safe During Holiday Events

January 4, 2022
bottle service

The best time of the year for bars and restaurants is about to begin! Along with the fun and increased business of parties and group events during the holidays, make sure safety remains a top priority for you and your staff.

Here are a few simple tips to keep all the celebrations happy!


Watch Out For Fake IDs

Everyone wants to have a good time during the holidays, and unfortunately, that sometimes includes those who aren’t of legal drinking age. Serving to underage drinkers is a crime that could take all the fun out of the holidays for your establishment.

Some signs of a fake ID include:

Overlooking a clearly fake ID is one of those mistakes you simply can’t make. Make sure your staff is equipped with the tools to recognize fake IDs through BASSET On The Fly certification.


Train Your Staff on Spiked Drinks

One customer shouldn’t be tampering with another customer’s drink. This is one of the most common ways perpetrators plant date-rape drugs. Every seller-server should be aware and observant and should know how to respond.

If suspected, a server should immediately remove the drink to help ensure the victim customer does not consume it. After removing the drink, the server should notify management, provide the victim a clean drink, and offer whatever help is appropriate.  This may involve notifying law enforcement.


Say No When Someone’s Had Too Much

Finally, servers and sellers can never be reticent about telling someone they’ve had too much. The holidays are notorious for drunk driving, and the last thing your establishment needs is to be a contributing factor in harming the public.

As a first step, every server or seller needs to know the signs a customer has had too much. After cutting them off, check to see if they have a ride home, and if not, arrange one for them.


Get Your Team Ready for the Holidays With BASSET On The Fly

Whether you need a first-time BASSET card or you’re in need of a new one, BASSET On The Fly is quick, cheap, and  covers  your bases during the holiday season. Enroll today!

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